
We combat loneliness by building authentic connections through creative expression and meaningful conversation.

P.S. Your best is yet to come!

Postscript Outreach Giving Tuesday
2024 Art Poster Contest
Click below to learn more

  • WHY

    Loneliness and isolation have been designated a public health crisis.

    We desire to enhance the lives of the disconnected.

    Life shared with others is healthier and more meaningful. Love multiplies.

    There is more to your story.

  • HOW

    We provide heart-centered weekly engagement around a meal, relationship-building conversations, and creative activities.

    Please join us!


    We provide opportunities to connect volunteers with the residents of historic Sir Walter affordable housing complex in downtown Raleigh, NC.

    Our participants represent people crossing all generations, ethnicities, cultures, professions, and demographic backgrounds.

Loneliness, art and unexpected friendships video [Youtube]

Combating Loneliness

Watch this one-minute video to see how PostScript is combating loneliness through artistic expression and creating opportunities for authentic friendships to develop.

Sir Walter Raleigh Outreach

The outreach focuses on relationship building and strengthening of community among the residents and the downtown sector, and is resulting in much growth. In this facet of outreach, PostScript serves both women and men residents as well as the surrounding community. We welcome women and men volunteers. Come share your gifts and talents.

To volunteer with Sir Walter Raleigh Outreach, complete the volunteer form



Currently this program is being revamped. Stay tuned.