Art is therapy for our daily lives! God, creator of the universe, is indeed perfectly creative. He has purposefully designed each one of us in his own image as creative beings. By being still we become creative.
“art-for-the-heart” offers a break from the busyness of life, a space to focus our hearts and minds on things positive and relaxing. It allows us time to tap into our creative selves to explore heart expression. It is here our hearts can breathe afresh and we can connect with the heart of god.
Research shows that creative expression helps people to heal, to communicate deep emotions that go beyond mere words. An “art-for-the-heart” evening begins with a scriptural focus that becomes the prompt for the artistic expression. The creative focus is made through a variety of art forms, whether drawing, painting, jewelry making, knitting, calligraphy, collaging, or making something beautiful for your home.
“art-for-the-heart” is offered on tuesday evenings for eight weeks from january – march. Not only do we provide space for healing and relaxation, it allows us freedom to make mistakes, laugh, and build friendships with others who are learning along with us!
Trust in him at all times…. Pour out your hearts to him, for god is our refuge. Psalm 62:8 niv
“words cannot express the depth of love, connections, healing, fun, laughter, pure enjoyment and personal therapeutic experiences i have had joining art-for-the-heart classes.”
— alecia stuart
Winter Season only